Imran Khan has changed the history in Pakistan #pakistanelections

Feb 13, 2024 | 0 comments

Imran khan has changed history in Pakistan, when first time ever, the people of Pakistan, came out without a party’s push. Imran Khan was in Jail. He party was not allowed to do campaign, their bat symbol was taken away by the Establishment and the Power Broker. The Establishment destroyed the Legal System to gain this objective. Putting Imran Khan in cases which has no legal standing and the justice was not seen. The Pakistan Supreme Court also failed to deliver justice and took the bat symbol of the Imran Khan party, but first time ever, Pakistan People came out. In the past, the political parties, will employ vehicles and pull people out and drop them at the polling station. This time, people of Punjab, the youth and the people of south Punjab came out and voted for Imran Khan Party. The Establishment was in shock at 9:00 PM when they had to close all the electrical system, but by that time, it was too late. The Polling agents had already given Form 47 to the Winning candidates which is an official document, signed by the polling agent, which already confirmed Imran Khan candidates win. It has been three days, and the Establishment have not released the results, and throwing dice on the board, and making their own decision on how to distribute the votes among PTI, Nawaz Sharif Party and Pakistan People’s Party. Amazingly, Nawaz Sharif and his daughter Maryam Nawaz was losing her own seats till 12:00 AM, but then in two days, the Establishment bagged the seats in the pocket. Currently Establishment will be sharing the power between PMLN and PPP and It is possible that PTI may sit in opposition or withdraw from it’s seat totally. Imran Khan currently getting transferred from Idala Jail to his house which will be declared as sub-jail. This action happened, when Establishment have realized the power of Imran Khan and can see him coming in power in near future. Also, there is a lot of negative feelings in Pakistan Military, General Asim Munir is under great amount of pressure, due to his actions against the PTI Imran Khan, as he and few generals are the only one pulling the strings, however, the all Political Parties have seen their reality and Jahangeen Tareen, who established his own party, had resigned due to losing his own seat. Moulana Fazlul Rehman lost his, his son and his family’ seats from his own area. Fazal ul Rehman had to also run elections from a different area, where he won the seat. PTI won majority in KPK and Khatak who lead a campaign against Imran Khan also lost. JUI-Leader also resigned due to poor performance. This is first time in this history of Pakistan, that a party has gain lead in elections, which all of his party members were abstained from any political campaign and Pakistan Military also supported PMLN. MQM also gained more seats due to help from Establishment, to counter PPP in Singh.

The Pakistan Establishment is exposed and clearly destroyed the honor of the Pakistan Military and Pakistan Legal System. There is no doubt, that the People of Pakistan have proved that they are not ants, but they understand their power and if not now, sooner or later, Justice will prevail. Pakistan Nawaz has lost it’s moral grounds as Nawaz Sharif always asked to give respect to vote, when his himself used the Establishment to come in Power.

#pakistanelection2024 #imrankhan #pakistan #rashidkamboj

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